Nii palju siis seemnepaanikast
Õhtuleht algatas hiljuti Eestis järjekordse pisikese paanika rubriigis "Appi, paha Euroliit keelab ... ära!". Antud juhul pidavat keelatama kõik koduaias aretatud ja EL-is registreerimata taimesordid. "Hoop bioloogilisele mitmekesisusele" ja kogu ylejäänud õuduste tuba.
Paanika tuli muidugi enne eelnõu teksti avaldamist ja ega ÕL-i "ajakirjanik" seda lugeda mõelnudki. Täna ilmus Delfis ja EPLis ka tegelik uudis, kus on Euroopa Komisjoni kommentaar. Neile, kes usuvad meelsamini maailmalõppu kui selle ärajäämist, kleebin siia väljavõtted eelnõust ja selle kommentaaridest.
Nii palju siis seemnepaanikast: "Euroopa Komisjoni esindaja sõnul tehakse uues eelnõus erandid nn nišitoodete turustamisele ning võimaldatakse turustada väikepakendites registreerimata sorte."
Eelnõu kommentaar, lk 6: "In addition, proportionate and sustainable rules for small scale activities concerning plant reproductive material, which is adapted to local conditions, and made available on the market in small quantities, should be established. Such varieties should be exempted from the requirements on registration and making available on the market. This material is defined as niche market plant reproductive material. The exemption should concern e.g. farmer-breeders or gardener-breeders whether being professional operators or not. However, some basic rules on labelling and traceability of the material should be laid down. In order to prevent an abuse of the exemption the material should only be made available on the market in a defined size of packages."
Eelnõu, punkt 27: "Plant reproductive material which is made available on the market only in limited quantities by small producers (“niche market plant reproductive material”) should be exempted from the requirement of belonging to a registered variety. That derogation is necessary to prevent undue constraints to the making available on the market of plant reproductive material, which is of lesser commercial interest, but is important for the maintenance of genetic diversity. However, it should be ensured that that derogation is not regularly used by a wide range of professional operators and it is only used by professional operators which cannot afford the costs and administrative burden of variety registration. This is important to avoid abuses of that derogation and to ensure the application of the rules of this Regulation. Therefore, niche market material should only be made available on the market by professional operators employing a small number of persons and with a small annual turnover."
Ehk siis maakeeli, puust ja punaseks: väiketootjad võivad ka edaspidi levitada rõõmsasti väikestes kogustes seemneid, mille sordid ei ole kuskil registreeritud. Ainult seda nõutakse kyll, et pakendi peal oleks kirjas, mis seal sees on, kust tuli ja kesse tegi - mis peaks terve mõistusega inimeste jaoks niigi ysna elementaarne olema.
Nagu yks ilus ja tark inimene kord ytles: "Mulle meeldiks, kui idioote oleks võimalik kuidagi peatada."
Paanika tuli muidugi enne eelnõu teksti avaldamist ja ega ÕL-i "ajakirjanik" seda lugeda mõelnudki. Täna ilmus Delfis ja EPLis ka tegelik uudis, kus on Euroopa Komisjoni kommentaar. Neile, kes usuvad meelsamini maailmalõppu kui selle ärajäämist, kleebin siia väljavõtted eelnõust ja selle kommentaaridest.
Nii palju siis seemnepaanikast: "Euroopa Komisjoni esindaja sõnul tehakse uues eelnõus erandid nn nišitoodete turustamisele ning võimaldatakse turustada väikepakendites registreerimata sorte."
Eelnõu kommentaar, lk 6: "In addition, proportionate and sustainable rules for small scale activities concerning plant reproductive material, which is adapted to local conditions, and made available on the market in small quantities, should be established. Such varieties should be exempted from the requirements on registration and making available on the market. This material is defined as niche market plant reproductive material. The exemption should concern e.g. farmer-breeders or gardener-breeders whether being professional operators or not. However, some basic rules on labelling and traceability of the material should be laid down. In order to prevent an abuse of the exemption the material should only be made available on the market in a defined size of packages."
Eelnõu, punkt 27: "Plant reproductive material which is made available on the market only in limited quantities by small producers (“niche market plant reproductive material”) should be exempted from the requirement of belonging to a registered variety. That derogation is necessary to prevent undue constraints to the making available on the market of plant reproductive material, which is of lesser commercial interest, but is important for the maintenance of genetic diversity. However, it should be ensured that that derogation is not regularly used by a wide range of professional operators and it is only used by professional operators which cannot afford the costs and administrative burden of variety registration. This is important to avoid abuses of that derogation and to ensure the application of the rules of this Regulation. Therefore, niche market material should only be made available on the market by professional operators employing a small number of persons and with a small annual turnover."
Ehk siis maakeeli, puust ja punaseks: väiketootjad võivad ka edaspidi levitada rõõmsasti väikestes kogustes seemneid, mille sordid ei ole kuskil registreeritud. Ainult seda nõutakse kyll, et pakendi peal oleks kirjas, mis seal sees on, kust tuli ja kesse tegi - mis peaks terve mõistusega inimeste jaoks niigi ysna elementaarne olema.
Nagu yks ilus ja tark inimene kord ytles: "Mulle meeldiks, kui idioote oleks võimalik kuidagi peatada."