Saturday, March 26, 2011

Päikesepoisid: Bostonian and Estonian

- How did you find yesterday?
- Well, mostly, it just was there after the day before. It wasn't that difficult, I didn't really have to look for it at all.
- Hmmm. Hmmmmm. How did you experience it? Did you like it?


Umbes kilomeetri kaugusel Brandenburgi väravaist möödusin õhtul kell pool kymme naisterahvast ja pillasin yle õla: "Jube palju eestlasi." - "Tõesti, õudsalt palju," vastas ta vähimagi yllatuseta hääles.

Ehkki, jah, vene keelt kuuleb siin kõige rohkem.

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