Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Loherahvas leinab

Kes ei tea, kes oli Gary Gygax, sellele ei ytle see muidugi midagi. Ylejäänute jaoks on märk juba seegi, kust ma teada sain.

Thank you from every single-class fighter, every magic-user that needs to memorize their spells in the morning, every female dark elf cavalier wielding two lances from the back of a unicorn.

You didn't create us, but we wouldn't exist if it weren't for you. None of us would.
R.I.P., Gary Gygax. 1938-2008.

P.S. Eesti lehed on vait ja see häirib mind. Mul on kurikindel plaan ta reedesesse lehte tsurada. Parem hiline nupuke kui mitte midagi.

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